The purpose of this form is to establish the identity of any program or event that might be initiated for raising donations/ and or support of any kind to SAAFE House. we appreciate all worthwhile endeavors for our benefit but must know in advance if you expect our support and cooperation. We appreciate all interest, however not every project is necessarily in the best interest of our agency and its mission and sometimes a business or organization demands more of our resources than we can spare, so please keep this in mind as you tell us your plans. Thanks for thinking of us!
Will businesses be contacted for donations or assist in the event in any way
Do you plan to use SAAFE House's name or program information in promotion of the event?
SAAFE HOUSE staff must approve prior to release:
The use of our logo (our logo can be provided, but must be used I accordance with our policy)
Flyers, letters, posters, or other printed materials in which the SAAFE House name is used
Social marketing, advertisements, publicity, promotions, or any other form of media in which the SAAFE House name is used
Please submit such documents or requests to
Can SAAFE House provide you with brochures on programs and/or upcoming SAAFE House events either for your information or display at the event
If yes, how many copies would you prefer and when would you like to pick those up? (Office Hours are M-F 9-5)
Please include any request regarding SAAFE House staff attendance at the event and our role there. Due to our limited resources we can't guarantee our participation with an event. All Third-party fundraising events are greatly appreciated; however SAAFE House reserves the right to deny approval or cancel an event for any reason. Coordination with staff is crucial to a successful event.
Tammy Farkas
Community Relations Director
1426 Sam Houston Ave
Phone: (936)291-3529